• 創業当時の日本橋本町二丁目

    1947   Apicture of Nihonbashihoncho 2cyoume at the established time.

  • 本社を中央区八重洲へ移転

    1960, 5   The head office was moved to Yaesu, Cyuo-ku.

  • 新潟営業所開設

    1963, 12   The Niigata business office was established.

  • 大阪支店開設

    1964, 11   The Osaka branch office was established.

  • 大阪福町倉庫開設

    1965, 6   The Osaka Hukumachi warehouse was estblised.

  • 八幡営業所(現・九州支店)開設

    1967, 10   Yahata business office was established (current Kyusyu branch office).

  • 辰巳倉庫開設

    1968, 6   The Tatsumi Warehouse was established.

  • 浦安倉庫開設

    1977, 5   The Urayasu warehouse was established.

  • 川崎倉庫発足

    1977, 11   The Kawasaki warehouse was founded.

  • 名古屋営業所開設

    1987, 5   The Nagoya business office was established.

  • 本社を中央区新富へ移転

    2004, 5   The head office was moved to Shintomi, Chuo-ku.

  • 広島出張所

    2006, 1   The Hiroshima local office was esbablished.

  • 福町倉庫第二倉庫竣工

    2011, 9   The Hukumachi second warehouse was constructed.


Greeting of the president

The characteristics of Taiyo Shoji Company and further development are written.



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The history of Taiyo Shoji

Regarding the history of Taiyo Shoji Company is seen.


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