First Sales Department,Second Team at Head Office


Employment in 2020

Q1. Reason why I chose the Taiyo Shoji Company.

There are two reasons why I chose Taiyo Shoji.

It is the first product we handle. Since it is used in various forms around us, 
it is hard to imagine that demand will suddenly disappear in the future.

The second is the way of doing business of Taiyo Shoji.
It will be more difficult than you can imagine to stand between the customer and the supplier
and bring it to a landing point where both parties can agree.
That is why I wanted to put myself in that environment.

Q2. How is the atmosphere?

I think the atmosphere of the company is very good.
I myself have just joined the company, but I can see that the environment is very comfortable
because the employees can communicate well with each other.
Also, it is very helpful because it is easy to ask questions and consult with my boss and seniors.
In addition, I have time to go out drinking with my seniors at the end of work,
so I think it's a company that can secure private life.

Q3. Further goal

To become a full-fledged salesman as soon as possible.
It's been three months since I joined the company, 
but I still have a lot to study and remember, and I'm still relying on my seniors.
Therefore, I will take what I have learned in my daily work one by one,
and eventually I will devote myself to becoming a full-fledged salesperson.